A corner of my world where you are apt to find anything. Signature Tags. Templates for Tags. Poetry. Backgrounds. Animations. Rants & Ramblings. And whatever else...
Monday, March 21, 2011
I also think there's enough ppl in the world that the ppl who act like ur best friends shouldn't go around fucking w/anyone u have
I live in Iowa. I have a puppy & a kitty whom are my babies. I have a wonderful boyfriend as well. I work full time as a Youth Addictions Specialist. It is a very rewarding job. I also work part time at a Daycare. When I'm not working, I love to design. I am on a few personal CTs and really love it. My favorite is creating signature tags. I also like to create layouts, blog backgrounds, templates, scrap kits, and whatever else strikes the mood. I also run my own tagging group & you may see me in a few forums & galleries sharing my new creations or just gossiping with the gals :o)
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